Patch 2.1.7 Release Announcement For Employer

October 10, 2022

For Employer

Patch 2.1.7 Release Announcement

In order to enhance the hiring experience for our valued employers on Worktually, we have introduced new features, including the prompt receipt of interview invitations and notifications, a new offers menu, an additional OTP security layer for email changes, and a comment option for candidates rejected during the interview phase. In addition, we have rectified and fixed bugs with regard to adding a decimal rate when editing a job offer, suggested candidate data, self-approval of rescheduling requests, and refund cancellation requests.

Automatic Meeting Invitations & Alerts

Now every employer will get an automatic interview invitation they can accept or reject as per their preferences. Once logged in to Gmail, the employer will now receive interview reminders and notifications.

A New Offer Menu

Employers do not have to rummage through the jobs they posted to keep track of the offers they have made to various candidates. We have added a new offers tab to our menu to make things more streamlined and organized. Enjoy a clear view of your offers and counter offers and an elevated hiring process.

Add Comments For Rejected Candidates

Employers can now add comments for all rejected candidates after they conduct interviews with them. This will allow for better candidate screening and filtering to further improve the hiring process.

OTP Security Layer For Email Changes

In order to avoid the use of fake email addresses and discourage email-related scams, every email change will require an employer to verify their new email address using a One-Time-Password.

Bug Fixes

  • Previously, employers could not add a decimal hourly rate when editing a job offer. This issue has been resolved, and employers can now add a decimal hourly rate to their offers.
  • We have revamped the ‘suggested candidates’ tab to show accurate, reasonably detailed, and discernible data regarding every prospective candidate.
  • The raised issue regarding transaction reversals with regard to refund cancellations by the employer has also been resolved.
  • Hitherto, employers requesting the rescheduling of an event were able to accept or reject the request. However, now only the recipient of the request has this privilege.

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