The Challenges Of Hiring Remote Workers And How To Overcome Them With Worktually

March 15, 2024

The Challenges Of Hiring Remote Workers And How To Overcome Them With Worktually

Remote work is not a new concept, but it has gained unprecedented popularity and acceptance in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

According to a report by Upwork, 36.2 million Americans will be working remotely by 2025, an 87% increase from the pre-pandemic levels.

The benefits of remote work are undeniable both for employers and employees. Remote work can save costs, increase productivity, improve work-life balance, reduce environmental impact, and access a global talent pool.

However, remote work also comes with its own set of challenges, especially when it comes to hiring and managing remote workers.

In this blog, we will explore some of the common challenges of hiring remote workers and how Worktually can help you overcome them with its innovative platform and services.

Challenge 1: Finding Qualified And Reliable Remote Workers

One of the biggest challenges of hiring remote workers is finding qualified and reliable candidates who can perform well in a remote setting.

Unlike traditional hiring, where you can meet candidates face-to-face and assess their skills and personality, remote hiring requires a different approach and a different set of criteria.

Some of the questions that you may have when hiring remote workers are:

  • How do I verify the credentials and experience of remote candidates?
  • How do I evaluate the skills and performance of remote candidates?
  • How do I ensure the communication and collaboration of remote candidates?
  • How do I measure the productivity and accountability of remote candidates?
  • How do I retain and motivate remote candidates?

These questions can make remote hiring a daunting and time-consuming task, especially if you don’t have the right tools and processes in place.

Solution 1: Worktually’s Platform And Services

Worktually is a platform that connects employers with qualified and reliable remote workers from around the world. It takes care of the entire remote hiring process, from sourcing and screening to hiring and managing remote workers.

Here are some of the features and benefits of Worktually’s platform and services:

  • Worktually has a large and diverse pool of remote workers who have been vetted and verified by its team of experts. You can choose from various categories of remote workers, such as virtual assistants, customer service representatives, data entry specialists, web developers, graphic designers, and more.
  • Worktually provides you with a dedicated account manager who will help you find the best remote workers for your needs and budget. You can specify your requirements and preferences, such as skills, experience, availability, language, and timezone, and it will match you with the most suitable remote workers.
  • It offers a free trial period for you to test and evaluate the remote workers before hiring them. You can also request a video interview with the remote workers to get to know them better and assess their communication and collaboration skills.
  • Worktually provides you with a user-friendly dashboard where you can monitor and manage remote workers. You can track their attendance, hours, tasks, performance, and feedback. You can also communicate with them via chat, voice, or video calls.
  • It handles the payroll and invoicing of remote workers, so you don’t have to worry about the legal and financial aspects of remote hiring. You can pay the remote workers securely and conveniently through Worktually’s platform.
  • It also provides ongoing support and training for remote workers to ensure their quality and satisfaction. Worktually also offers incentives and rewards for the remote workers to motivate and retain them.

Challenge 2: Building Trust And Culture With Remote Workers

Another challenge of hiring remote workers is building trust and culture with them. Trust and culture are essential for any successful team, but they can be harder to establish and maintain in a remote setting.

Remote workers may feel isolated, disconnected, or misunderstood by their employers and colleagues, which can affect their engagement and performance.

Some of the issues that you may face when hiring remote workers are:

  • How do I create a sense of belonging and identity for remote workers?
  • How do I foster a positive and collaborative team culture for remote workers?
  • How do I communicate and align the vision, values, and goals of the organization with remote workers?
  • How do I provide feedback and recognition for remote workers?
  • How do I address and resolve conflicts and challenges with remote workers?

These issues can make remote hiring a challenging and complex task, especially if you don’t have the right tools and processes in place.

Solution 2: Worktually’s Platform And Services

Worktually is a platform that helps you build trust and culture with remote workers. It not only connects you with qualified and reliable remote workers but also helps you integrate and engage them with your organization and team.

Here are some of the features and benefits of Worktually’s platform and services:

  • It helps you create a sense of belonging and identity for remote workers by providing them with a branded email address, a company profile, and a company email signature. You can also invite them to join your company’s social media, intranet, or other platforms, where they can interact and network with other employees.
  • Worktually helps you foster a positive and collaborative team culture for remote workers by facilitating regular team meetings, events, and activities. You can use this platform to schedule and host virtual meetings, webinars, workshops, or social gatherings, where you can share updates, celebrate achievements, or have fun with your remote workers.
  • Moreover, it helps you communicate and align the vision, values, and goals of the organization with remote workers by providing them with a clear and comprehensive onboarding and orientation program. You can use this platform to share your company’s history, mission, vision, values, policies, and expectations with your remote workers and ensure that they understand and embrace them.
  • Worktually helps you provide feedback and recognition for remote workers by enabling you to give and receive feedback, ratings, and reviews on its platform.
  • Worktually helps you address and resolve conflicts and challenges with remote workers by providing you with a dedicated account manager who will act as a mediator and facilitator between you and your remote workers. You can also use this platform to report and escalate any issues or concerns that you may have with your remote workers, and the manager will handle them promptly and professionally.


Hiring remote workers can be a great way to grow your business and achieve your goals, but it can also pose some challenges that require careful planning and execution. Worktually is a platform that can help you overcome these challenges and hire remote workers with ease and confidence.

Worktually can help you find, hire, and manage qualified and reliable remote workers from around the world and build trust and culture with them. It can save you time, money, and hassle and provide you with a flexible and scalable workforce that can adapt to your changing needs and demands.

If you are looking for a solution to hire remote workers, look no further than Worktually. It is the ultimate solution for hiring remote workers because Worktually is more than just a platform; it is a movement. For more information, visit our website or contact us today.

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